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+49 (0)6172 457097

Especially in the areas butchery, retail trade, gastronomy, cheese dairy, laboratory, medicine, technology, metal etc. this technology has found its way into the market.

Vacuum equipment is particularly suitable for the production of transport packaging in craft businesses with small to medium-sized production series. In addition, flexibility and individual adaptability of the vacuum devices are important characteristics of the packaging machines.

It is not necessary to convert the vacuum machine. The size of the vacuum packaging is defined by the vacuum bag. This is then simply placed on the sealing bar and sealed. In the table-top series of our vacuum machines, a separating seal is standard. The excess length of the vacuum bag is neatly cut off and a beautifully shaped vacuum package is created that can be sold optimally.

The following vacuum equipment is used for the production of vacuum packaging:

Give us a call. +49 (0) 6172 457097

[Translate to Englisch:] Titan F 1000 - Schweißsystem: Doppelnahtschweißung, Trennschweißung, separat regelbare Trennschweißung, Oben-/ Untenschweißung
TITAN-F 1000

[Translate to Englisch:] Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.

[Translate to Englisch:] MAX F 50 - Schweißsystem: Doppelnahtschweißung, Trennschweißung
MAX-F 50

The compact floor-standing vacuum chamber machine is for the small butcher up to the large food retailer. Due to the compact chamber size as well as the mobility it is flexible to use.

In our You Tube Chanel you will find a large number of different application examples.

The high acceptance of demanding customers makes the vacuum device what it is today. It generates a certain degree of technical production proximity for the customer without compromising the industrial quality standard. Boss Vakuum vacuum equipment guarantees attractive and reliable sales packaging.

We look forward to your call: +49 6172 457097

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